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At Superior Thread Rolling, our company is roughly split into two different departments based on our specialties–thread rolling and CNC machining. Together, these facilities allow us to make a wide range of pins, fasteners, bushings, bolts, and much more for our partners in Aerospace equipment manufacturing. Although we have offered […]
Understanding Thread Standards and Specifications
The importance of a Manufacturer that Understands Your Deadlines
Examining the use of Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Inspections in Non-Destructive Testing
Cellular CNC Machining is not a new concept but it has had a massive impact on the manufacturing industry. Cellular manufacturing is a concept from Lean manufacturing, created to optimize the production of families of parts and improve the efficiency of a machine shop. Superior Thread Rolling employs the cellular […]
Aerospace manufacturing requires a number of different machining techniques, one of which is knurling. But what is Knurling? Knurling is a specialized type of manufacturing process, typically done to offer a functional finish to metal parts for improved grip and more efficient assembly. It’s especially common in Aerospace applications, where […]